I am a true Orange native, 3rd generation, and a mother to a new generation. I feel that it is time to stop the "good ol boys" club downtown, and get back to serving our city. Comments are very welcome, and appreciated. It's our time, it's our city. and it's time we take it back from these charlatans!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

OCSD, DUM I Tru and Government Code section 84308

For DUM I Tru, clarity is as clear as, I don't know, mud?  What is transparency in government away, just a fancy term?  For the record, DUM I Tru serves on the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) for the City of Orange. Let's take a look at his voting record on items before the board

 This is practically the same every month!  Who did he take money from and why is he wasting our time on this board? 



Government Code section 84308

There is one provision in the Political Reform Act that addresses campaign contributions in a conflict-of-interest context, Government Code section 84308.

  1. “Government Code section 84308 applies to proceedings on licenses, permits, and entitlements for use pending before certain state and local boards and agencies.”
  2. “Covered officials must disqualify themselves from participating in the proceeding if they have received contributions of more than $250 during the previous 12 months from a financially interested person or party.”
  3. “Covered officials are prohibited from receiving or soliciting campaign contributions of more than $250 from parties or other financially interested persons during the pendency of the proceeding and for three months after its conclusion.”
  4. “At the time parties initiate proceedings, they must list all contributions to covered officials within the previous 12 months.”
The law expressly exempts directly elected state and local officials. However, the exemption does not apply when they serve in a capacity other than that for which they were directly elected.
This provision is contained in the Political Reform Act and is subject to the regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission.

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