I am a true Orange native, 3rd generation, and a mother to a new generation. I feel that it is time to stop the "good ol boys" club downtown, and get back to serving our city. Comments are very welcome, and appreciated. It's our time, it's our city. and it's time we take it back from these charlatans!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

You can only imagine my shock and deep disappointment...me too

More on the ongoing bull crap from that Fish Wrap know as the OC Register and rhat douche bag reporter Tony Saavedra
You can only imagine my shock and deep disappointment to open the Orange County Register’s Local section only to read the salacious and misleading headline regarding my compensation from the City of Orange. Sadly, it seemed to be deliberately authored to taint your reader’s perception, but worse still is the fact that it is simply not true.
I have never received anywhere close to $200,000 as compensation from the City of Orange. Period. What the author did was take cash and non-cash benefits from two different positions at two separate agencies and multiplied that number by almost seven years worth of service. Given what is being discovered in Los Angeles County it is not a stretch for the reader to get the wrong impression. If that was your intent, I applaud you. It certainly achieved that.
The facts show that I checked and checked again with OCTA counsel as to the legitimacy of the benefits I received. And even then, I reviewed the policies further and personally initiated the transference of my benefits. Your portrayal of this change as clandestine is simply unconscionable. Nor did you care to report that my colleagues received the same compensation at even greater amounts when coupled with their benefits from other public agencies.
I believe very strongly in public service and fiscal responsibility. I agree that compensation in all forms should be reviewed and adjusted. That is an honest conversation that I believe should be brought into the public eye. In fact, unsaid in your article, is the detail that I was the only elected official in Orange who took a voluntary 5% pay cut when the City of Orange asked its employees to do so. Your decision to not report the numbers of my colleagues and opponents is at best irresponsible and at worst blatant electioneering.

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