Why would I let a comment
Submitted by Chip Hanlon on Sat, 2010-10-30 01:08.
Why would I let a comment such as the one above go live here, even if edited?
So everyone here could see the immediate reaction: to threaten me. Someone--my, oh my, who could it be?-- wrote an explicit threat in the areas it says (redacted) that you see in the comment above. I saved a screen shot and our programmer will be pulling down the IP address on Monday, but no need to share the details of what we deleted.
Pretty BLEEPING chilling, though, the attempt.
Unguessable mystery person(s): you don't like what was written about you as an elected official so you threaten to harm the writer at the publication that uncovered it?
That's not how it goes. Ever.
I don't have to threaten back. I know exactly--exactly-- how others in the media would respond were that to occur. Check my own massive media rotation if you don't think I know what I'm talking about.
You seem to have pulled a scam with regard to election finance: explain it or own it, those are your choices as elected officials. Threatening publishers in order to silence reporting you don't like is not an option.
I'm sure you look a lot more attractive to readers here now for having threatened me, though. Well done.
Readers: they probably thought I'd delete it from the backend of the site so no one would see. Wrong.
Not the first time it's happened. Won't be the last.
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