I am a true Orange native, 3rd generation, and a mother to a new generation. I feel that it is time to stop the "good ol boys" club downtown, and get back to serving our city. Comments are very welcome, and appreciated. It's our time, it's our city. and it's time we take it back from these charlatans!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Man are we miopic! DUM I Tru's buddy Julie Watson is classic case

DUM I Tru's buddy Julie Watson is classic case.  She speaks with such mishuided, uneducated, unrealistic impunity because in her miopic, narrowminded view of the world and how it's supposed to be, the ultimate eight-hundred pound gorilla (Fat Boy) presumably has her back.

In my response to Jon's work on Registered Sex Offenders

Blah Blah Blah, I don't know who Julie Watson is, but she is confused.
So, to clarify, I did a key word search on all agendas and municodes
for the Orange city council, and behold nothing with Darren Smith and
ANY city municipal code. Imagine my shock.
Wow, more useless crap from Jon's buddies.

Seems this buddy of Jon's sits on a couple of Orange City Boards (wonder how that happened?), but there was never anything linked to him.  The hits shown in the picture are for work with CDBG and the Senior Center.  So, tell me again that Jon is giving out the credit to my girlfriend that brought this up! He's not even giving credit, even on the record to his buddy, county slacker Darren Smith!

The ordnance went into effect in 2009?  Ok, where is anyone's name?  Like Megan's Law or Ambers Alert or Jon's Municode, where is the name??? No where, because there is none, Jon takes the glory and walks on the little people.
More BS!
Here is What Turd Boy wrote about this: I. I. I. I.   No one's name  Show me SOME PROOF!!!  Not hear say!  Just another stooge for Jon!    Both Julie Watson and Darren Smith!

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