I am a true Orange native, 3rd generation, and a mother to a new generation. I feel that it is time to stop the "good ol boys" club downtown, and get back to serving our city. Comments are very welcome, and appreciated. It's our time, it's our city. and it's time we take it back from these charlatans!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who Killed Bambi? Why Denis Mr. Burns Bilodeaud did

Hatch told me that Guy and a few other young guys are partially responsible for the Orange lodge seeing a net increase in membership of about 100, or 15 percent, in the last four years. The average age of the Orange lodge has gone from about 67 in the early 1990s, to somewhere in the low 50s. Elks include all three men on the Orange City Council, Denis BilodeauJon Dumitruand Mark Murphy. While not in their 20s, neither are they anywhere near retirement age.
All stopped by Saturday, Bilodeau bringing the most amazing gift I received on the tour: a genuine elk-hoof lamp - freshly loaded with energy-efficient bulbs. As much as I loved it, I couldn't accept it from a public official, so I re-gifted it to the Orange lodge for its foyer with the proviso that it bear a brass plaque commemorating my historic tour, as well as Denis' and my names. Lodge officials immediately agreed.
Did you shoot Bambi on your last water district junket to Wyoming?  Way to go HE man!
And for the love of all that is holy, someone tell these idiots to stop appearing in public in shorts!  What the hell are you thinking Denis Mr. Burns Bilodeaud?   There are children present!  

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